Hunter Biden details lifelong addiction struggle in memoir

Hunter Biden. (AFP/Democratic National Convention)
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Updated 01 April 2021

Hunter Biden details lifelong addiction struggle in memoir

  • He credits his second wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, with helping him sober up, along with the love from his father and late brother

WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden’s son Hunter details his lifelong struggle with alcoholism and drug abuse in a new memoir, writing that “in the last five years alone, my two-decades-long marriage has dissolved, guns have been put in my face, and at one point I dropped clean off the grid, living in $59-a-night Super 8 motels off I-95 while scaring my family even more than myself.”
His “deep descent” into substance addiction followed the 2015 death of his older brother, Beau, who succumbed to brain cancer at age 46, Hunter Biden writes in “Beautiful Things.” The book is set for release on Tuesday.
“After Beau died, I never felt more alone. I lost hope,” he wrote.
He credits his second wife, Melissa Cohen Biden, with helping him sober up, along with the love from his father and late brother.
Before meeting his future wife in California, Hunter Biden cycled through addiction, rehab and sobriety all while managing to have a family and career as a lawyer and lobbyist. His family tried to intervene sometime in 2019 after his mother, Jill Biden, called and invited him to a family dinner in Delaware.
But Hunter Biden sensed that more than a hot meal was on table after he saw his three daughters and two counselors from a Pennsylvania rehab center where he’d been a patient when he arrived.
He swore at his father and bolted from the house, but was chased down the driveway by Joe Biden, who “grabbed me, swung me around, and hugged me. He held me tight in the dark and cried for the longest time. Everybody was outside now.”
To end the scene, Hunter Biden agreed to check into a facility in Maryland. He was driven there by Beau’s widow, Hallie, with whom he’d had a relationship. After she dropped him off, Hunter Biden writes, he called an Uber, told the staff he’d return in the morning and then checked into a hotel near Baltimore’s airport.
“For the next two days, while everybody who’d been at my parents’ house thought I was safe and sound at the center, I sat in my room and smoked the crack I’d tucked away in my traveling bag,” he wrote. “I then boarded a plane for California and ran and ran and ran. Until I met Melissa.”
The first drink Hunter Biden remembers having was a flute of champagne.
He was 8 and at an election-night party in Delaware celebrating his father’s reelection to the Senate in 1978. He says he didn’t know what he was doing because “to me, champagne was just a fizzy drink.”
But he writes that he knew better when he was 14 and overnighting at his best friend’s house in the summer between eighth and ninth grades. They split a six-pack of beer while the boy’s parents were out. The boys pretended to be asleep when the parents returned home because they were drunk after three beers apiece.
“Getting blasted and sick as a dog didn’t scare me or turn me off one bit,” he wrote. “Instead, I thought it was kind of cool. While I felt a nagging guilt from disappointing my father, who didn’t drink and who encouraged us to stay away from alcohol as well, I wanted to do it again.”
Drinking, he wrote, “seemed to solve every unanswered question about why I felt the way I felt. It took away my inhibitions, my insecurities, and often my judgment. It made me feel complete, filling a hole I didn’t even realize was there — a feeling of loss and my sense of not being understood or fitting in.”
At 18, Hunter Biden was busted for cocaine possession but did pretrial intervention with six months’ probation and the arrest was removed from his record. He says he disclosed the episode during a 2006 Senate committee hearing on his nomination to serve on the Amtrak board of directors.
As an adult, he once let a crack cocaine addict he first met when he was a senior at Georgetown University live with him in his Washington apartment for about five months. Hunter Biden was kicked out of the US Navy Reserve after he failed a drug test.
Hunter Biden, now 51, also writes about thinking he had developed a superpower — “the ability to find crack in any town, at any time, no matter how unfamiliar the terrain,” and about once having a gun thrust in his face when he embarked on such a hunt during five months of self-exile in Los Angeles.
It was in Los Angeles where he met Melissa Cohen, and he describes their first meeting as akin to love at first sight. He says she didn’t flinch when he told her about his addiction, his alcoholism and other problems.
“She pushed away everyone in my life connected to drugs,” taking away his phone, computer, car keys and wallet, he wrote. She deleted every contact in his phone who wasn’t family, and tossed his crack cocaine.
The South African filmmaker slowly eased him off of drinking and arranged for a doctor to come to their Hollywood Hills apartment to help with his withdrawal. He slept for three days.
He woke up on the fourth day and asked her to marry him. She asked to wait for the right time, but when they woke up the next morning — seven days after they’d met — — she told him, “Let’s do it.”
They wed in May 2019. Their son, Beau, came along in 2020.
Last week, Hunter and his family were at the White House and traveled with President Joe Biden aboard the Marine One helicopter.

Book Review: ‘Grit’ by Angela Duckworth

Updated 08 June 2024

Book Review: ‘Grit’ by Angela Duckworth

In “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance,” Angela Duckworth challenges the idea that natural talent is the sole recipe for success.

Duckworth argues that a powerful combination of passion and perseverance, which she terms “grit,” is a far more reliable predictor of achievement.

Duckworth delves into the concept of grit through captivating stories of West Point cadets, spelling bee champions, and everyday individuals. She weaves together research and personal anecdotes to illustrate the importance of long-term goals, sustained effort, and bouncing back from setbacks.

Grit is not just about blind hard work; it is about working smart and strategically. Duckworth emphasizes the power of deliberate practice, a focused approach to honing your skills and mastering a craft.

The book offers a refreshing and empowering perspective on the path to success. It acknowledges the role of talent but underscores the significance of dedication and a never-give-up attitude.

“Grit” is a motivating read that will inspire you to identify your passions and pursue them with unwavering determination.

Duckworth also equips readers with tools to cultivate their own grit. She provides a self-assessment quiz to measure your current level and offers practical strategies to develop a growth mindset and embrace challenges.

“Grit” is more like a call to action. It leaves you with a newfound appreciation for the power of human potential and the transformative potential of hard work.

What We Are Reading Today: ‘Object Lessons in American Art’

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What We Are Reading Today: ‘Object Lessons in American Art’

Contributions by Horace D. Ballard, Kirsten Pai Buick, Ellery E. Foutch, Karl Kusserow, Jeffery Richmond-Moll, And Rebecca Zorach

“Object Lessons in American Art” explores a diverse gathering of Euro-American, Native American, and African American art from a range of contemporary perspectives, illustrating how innovative analysis of historical art can inform, enhance, and afford new relevance to artifacts of the American past. 

Book Review: ‘When Women Were Birds’ by  Terry Tempest Williams

Updated 07 June 2024

Book Review: ‘When Women Were Birds’ by  Terry Tempest Williams

Part memoir, part loving tribute, “When Women Were Birds” is Terry Tempest Williams’ exploration of her mother’s legacy, and its influence on her own beliefs and values.

The book begins with a conversation between the two that took place a week before the death of her mother, the matriarch of a large Mormon clan in northern Utah.

This exchange includes a revelation — and an odd request: “I am leaving you all my journals, but you must promise me you won’t look at them until after I’m gone.”

It was a shock to Williams to discover that her mother had kept journals. But an even bigger surprise comes when she finds out what the three shelves of personal records contain.

When Williams pulls out the journals, she finds the pages of the first blank. The second and third journals are also empty.

She soon discovers all of the journals were left entirely blank.

The question is: What does this haunting gesture mean? What was her mother trying to say? Does silence have a voice?

Williams details her own memories of her mother, while pondering the meaning of the blank pages. The result is a memoir filled with words that were never spoken, sentences that were never communicated, and narratives that were never shared.

The book opens with a poetic description of her mother’s final days.

“It was January, and the ruthless clamp of cold down on us outside. Yet inside, Mother’s tenderness and clarity of mind carried its own warmth. She was dying in the same way she was living, consciously,” the first page reads.

The author also reflects on her own faith, and contemplates the notion of absence and presence.

This is not the first time that Williams has written about her mother. In an earlier memoir, “Refuge,” she suggests that the Mormon matriarch may have developed cancer as a result of nuclear testing nearby.

What We Are Reading Today: How to Make Money: An Ancient Guide to Wealth Management

Updated 07 June 2024

What We Are Reading Today: How to Make Money: An Ancient Guide to Wealth Management

Translated by Luca Grillo

Ancient Romans liked money. But how did they make a living and sometimes even become rich? The Roman economy was dominated by agriculture, but it was surprisingly modern in many ways: The Romans had companies with CEOs, shareholders, and detailed contracts regulated by meticulous laws; systems of banking and
taxation; and a wide range of occupations, from merchant and doctor to architect and teacher. The Romans also enjoyed a relatively open society, where some could start from the bottom, work, invest, and grow rich.

How to Make Money gathers a wide variety of ancient writings that show how Romans thought about, made, invested, spent, lost, and gave away money.

The Roman elite idealized farming and service to the state but treated many other occupations with suspicion or contempt, from money lending to wage labor. But whatever their attitudes, pecunia made the Roman world go round. In the Satyricon, Trimalchio brags about his wealth. Seneca accumulated a fortune—but taught that money can’t buy happiness. Eumachia inherited a brick factory from her father, married well, and turned to philanthropy after she was widowed. How to Make Money also takes up some of the most troubling aspects of the Roman economy, slavery and prostitution, which the elite deemed unrespectable but often profited from.

Featuring lively new translations, an illuminating introduction, and the original Latin and Greek texts on facing pages, How to Make Money offers a revealing look at the Roman worlds of work and money.


What We Are Reading Today: Polis

Updated 06 June 2024

What We Are Reading Today: Polis

Author: Johan Ma 

The Greek polis, or city-state, was a resilient and adaptable political institution founded on the principles of citizenship, freedom, and equality.

Emerging around 650 BCE and enduring to 350 CE, it offered a means for collaboration among fellow city-states and social bargaining between a community and its elites — but at what cost?

Polis proposes a panoramic account of the ancient Greek city-state, its diverse forms, and enduring characteristics over the span of a millenniu.